Product Distributor


PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride)

PVC is the most frequently specified of all thermoplastic piping materials. It has been successfully for over 60 years. PVC is characterized by distinctive physical properties, and is resistant to corrosion and chemical attack by acids, alkalis, salt solutions and many other chemicals. It is attacked, however, by polar solvents such as ketones and aromatics.
Of the various types and grades of PVC used in plastic piping, Type 1, Grade 1 PVC (Cell Classification 12454) conforming to ASTM D1784, is the most common. The maximum service temperature for PVC is 140° F (60° C), under pressure with occasional exposure to boiling water (212° F, 100° C). With a hydrostatic strength of any other major thermoplastic material used for piping.

CPVC (Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride)

CPVC (Cell Classification 24448 and 23447) conforming to ASTM D1748 has physical properties at 73° F (23° C) similar to those of PVC and chemical resistance similar to or generally better than that of PVC. The design stress of CPVC is also 2,000 psi at 73° F (23° C). The maximum service temperature is 200° F (93° C) under pressure with occasional exposure to boiling water (212° F, 100° C). CPVC has proved to be an excellent piping material for hot corrosive liquids, hot and cold water distribution and similar applications above the temperature range of PVC.

Applications :
Industrial and Process Piping

- Plant Water Supply and Distribution Lines
- Cooling Water Systems
- Chemical and washwater Systems for Photographic Laboratories
- Acid Products Handling for Refineries, Metal Works and Plating Plants
- Bleach. Dye and Acid Lines in Mines, Smelters and Fertilizer Plants
- Vacuum Piping
- Pure Chemicals for Semiconductor & Pharmaceutical Industries
- Piping in Fish Hatcheries, Aquariums, Zoological and Biological Buildings
- Well Casings and Dewatering Lines
- Drainage and Effluent Piping
- Swimming Pool Piping
- Rainwater Leaders for Buildings

Pulp and Paper

- Pulp/Chemical Recovery Systems
- Bleach Plant Piping Systems
- Washwater Piping and Lagoon Systems

Food Processing

- Brine and Saewater Distribution in Fish Plants
- Brine Systems in Meat Packaging Plants
- Piping for the Dairy, Canning and Beverage Industries

Water and Sewage Treatment

- Alum and Ferric Chloride Handling
- Chlorine Injection System
- Piping in Lagoons and Settling Ponds
- Rainwater Lines


- Golf Courses
- Greenhouses
- Agriculture
- Residential Turf
- Commercial Turf




.Complete product range for hot and cold water plumbing, heating and air conditioning systems.
. The system to suit your requirements (and solve your problems...)

- Excellent corrosion resistance

- Reduced scalling

- Approved for potable water and food transportation

- Reduced pressure losses

- Non-flammable officially rated B-S1-do (according to        DPC/89/106/CEE)

- Secure spigot/socket jointing method (cold welding)

- Reduced condensation problems

- Lowest thermal expansion coefficient among plastic product and full range of expansion compensators available

- PN 25 and PN 16 rated

- Performances calculated for a minimum working life of 50 years (80° C 6 bar, 90° C 4 bar)

- Simple , economic and quick installation

a guarantee against corrosion and scale

HTA is a synthetic material, designed to remain unaffected by corrosion in utility supplies in buildings. The product's chemical inertness relieves decision-makers of the head of expensive post-sale, corrosion-related problems.

Because HTA is by nature Non-corro-dible, expensive film-forming treatments usually required with metal pipework can be avoided.

Because of the product's nature, scaling related problems are much less significant than with other, metal pipe systems. This
observation is particularly true in areas with soft water (very     pure water).

Furthermore, HTA is non-permeable to oxygen, thus eliminating the formation of sludge inside the pipes.

Fields of use :
 - Plant rooms
 - Risers
 - Horizontal distribution
Varied applications

A great many professionals have opted for the HTA system, for all these applications :

- Domestic hot and cold water 
- Air conditioning
- Industrial kitchen waste disposal 
- Central heating
- Swimming pools
- Greenhouse heating
- Geothermy 
- Shipbuilding
- Spas
- Chemical and industrial networks

The HTA system offer many advantages over conventional materials.

Easy to install :

- Rigid pipes
- Lightweight pipes
- Simple tools : cutting and chamfering tools only.
- No need for threaders, torches or pipes benders
- No grease
- Easy assembly technique - cold welding


Properties of the polypropylene material PP-R

The basic material of the WEFATHERM pipe system is polypropylene random-copolymer PP-R. This material is characterized by excellent properties such as elasticity, rigidity, tightness, compression strength and a special resistance to high temperatures and extraction. In addition PP-R possesses high resistance to a large number of materials which might pass through the pipe system in liquid or gaseous form. This material is particularly suitable for use in drinking water systems.

Excellent internal pressure resistance also at high temperatures

Our raw material is not only PP-R classified, in addition it shows superior performance characteristics at elevated temperatures. The unique temperature resistances of allows for high safety margins in practical applications.
PP-R ascertains high safety for longtherm, trouble free operations of your sanitary installation. It is the first choice of PP-R raw material for a reliable sanitary piping system.
PP-R has unique safety reserves as it can demonstrate compliance to the refence curves simultaneously at 20° C, 70° C, 95° C, and 110° C based on third part testing and ISO/TR 9080 assessment.

Mechanical and thermal properties

In accordance with its areas of application, the WEFATHERM pipe system is designed for continuous temperatures of 0° C to 7° C, short-term peak temperatures of up to 100° C and a services life of min. 50 years.

Creep-depending-on-time test under internal compression

The creep-depending-on-time test under internal compression provides information on the high quality of the WEFATHERM pipe system. All the components in the system have been subjected to a multitude of test at different pressures and temperatures. These tests were carried out up to destruction or fracture. Test structure and test sequences are in accordance with the standards.

Permissible operational pressures in accordance with DIN 8077 for drinking water or heating systems

Temperature and pressure play an important role in respect of the operational safety of WEFATHERM pipe systems. The permissible operational over pressures for the different pipe series which are defined via the pressure stage PN whereby a safety factor of 1.25 has been taken into account in all cases. Drinking water is one of our most important elements and is accordingly subject to very strict regulations not least in respect of the materials with which drinking water may come into contact. Since WEFATHERM pipe components are joined by heated-sleeve welding, no substances or materials that are detrimental to health or that are in any way questionable come into use. Regular checks are carried out as a matter of course by the DVGW (German Association of the Gas and Water Profession), the SKZ (South-German Plastics Centre) and the Technologiezentrum Wasser of the University of Karlsruhe.

Drinking water systems

Due to its special material properties and chemical resistance, WEFATHERM pipe systems can be used for a wide range of areas of application including system for drinking water and water for other purposes in houses and residential buildings, offices, schools, hotels, hospitals, ships etc. Agriculture and horticulture, compressed air systems, heat distribution systems, heat generation connections, distribution connections, floor distribution systems, rising mains, industrial pipe works, the foodstuffs industry.

Heating and air conditioning systems

The WEFATHERM pipe system with its components enables transitions to existing systems of other materials to be achieved in a problemfree manner without any compromises. Polypropylene is corrosionfree and resistant to thermal aging. In addition it gives no opportunity for deposits to form. Flow noises are damped to a large extent.
As result of the low heat conducting capacity of PP-R pipe systems isolation can be neglected, i.e.
PP-R pipes for cold water conduction do not need any isolation.
The low heat conducting capacity of polypropylene almost totally prevents the appearance of condensed water outside the pipe.

The WEFATHERM pipe system and its components

The WEFATHERM pipe and the WEFATHERM Stabi pipe are two components well adjusted to their practical application. With the help of the molded parts they can be connected easily, even in the transition to fittings or pipe systems of other materials.
The advantages in application of our new developed WEFATHERM Fiber pipe are low longitudinal expansion exposition (significantly less), higher circulation with maximum floe capacity, higher pipe stiffness as well as simple treatment without additional peeling process.

FIP Valve

PVC-U General characteristics

Developed in 1930 in Germany, the PVC-U (unplasticized polyvinyl chloride) is obtained by the process of polymerization vinyl chloride (a gaseous monomer). An highly reliable resin with high performance of thermal stability, chemical and mechanical resistance up to 60° C , is obtained by the presence of chlorine in the molecule of PVC-U.
The different formulations obtained by the addition of suitable additives and stabilizers, make PVC-U the more versatile of the plastic materials, having several possibilities to be used in many applications of the fluids in pressure.

The PVC-U represents one of the most economic solutions within the range of thermoplastic and metal materials. The system overcomes problems which can be encountered in the service lines of the industrial fields for the conveyance of corrosive chemical fluids and also in the distribution-treatment of general water. The main reasons for the preference of system are attributed to the following characteristics of the resin :

- The PVC-U is basically inert to most inorganic bases, acids, saline solutions and paraffinical/aliphatic hydrocarbons. It is not recommended for use with polar organic solvent, including chlorinated and aromatic types.

- The unique molecular structure grants a low coefficient of thermal conductivity (λ = 0,15 W/m °C according to ASTM C177). It virtually eliminates condensation and offers superior heat retention reducing heat loss through piping walls.

- Low permeability to oxygen and reduced water absorption (0.1% at 23° C according to ASTM D 570).

- Good resistance to ageing, thanks to the chemical and physical properties of the PVC-U resin.

- All components are suitable for conveying potable water, beverages and food. The basic resins employed are all NSF approved.

- The materials has excellent mechanical characteristics and good impact strength. These properties make the PVC-U suitable for high service pressure (up to 4 - 6 - 10 - 16 bar at 20° C).

- The PVC-U compounds, presents important characteristics of fire performance, in fact the flash ignition temperature is 399° C and it persists only in extreme conditions, e.g. if the Oxygen concentration is two times higher than the atmospheric one, or only in presence of external flame source. Flash ignition temperature : 399° C
Limiting Oxygen Index : 45%
Class UL 94 rating : V0

- The possibility to choice between different jointing systems make low costs in the operations of installation.

Approvals and quality marks

FIP PVC-U ball valves are acknowledged by IRH for ACS Certificated N. 04 ACC NY 129

Certificate N.07123/C0BV Suitability of U-PVC fortransport and treatment ofsanitary water and of conditio-ning for naval applications.

FIP PVC-U valves are certified GOST-R in accompliance with Russian safety and quality regulation. Certificate No POCC IT.AI077.B06265

- FIP PVC-U valves are certified in accompliance with Ucrainian hygienic, safety and quality regulation. Certificate N.UA1.094.0052575-04

- TA-Luft
FIP PVC-U valves have been "TA-Luft" tested and certified by MPA Stuttgart in compliance with requirements of Technical Instruction on Air Quality Control TA-Luft / VDI 2440

- DIBt (Deutsche Institut für Bautechnik)
FIP PVC-U valves have been tested and certified by DIBt Certificate N.Z-40.23-434

2-way ball valve DualBlock

VKD PVC-U DN 10 ÷ 50

FIP has developed a ball valve type VK DualBlock to introduce an advanced standard of reference in thermoplastic valve design. VKD is a (true) union lock ball valve, which stands up to the most severe industrial application requirements.

- Size range from DN 10 up to DN 50

- Jointing by solvent welding, threaded or flanged connections
- Maximum working pressure: 16 bar at 20° C
- Patented system DualBlock: the locking device ensure the nuts
are held in position even under severe service conditions: i.e.
vibration or thermal expansion
- Easy removal of the valve body from the system, allowing quick
replacement of O-rings and ball seats without additional equipment
- SEAT-STOP seat and seal design. Axial pipe loads block with
micro adjustment of ball seal.
- In the closed position the pipeline can be disconnected
downstream  from the valve without leakage.
- Hand operated version with ergonomic HIPVC hand level,
provided with locking device on request.
- Possibility to install electric or pneumatic actuators by means of
GR-PP mounting kits with standard drilling (ISO 5211 F03-F04-
- For more information please visit our website:


FIP have produced a complete range of ball valve whose couplings comply with the following standards :
- Solvent welding : ISO 727, Ini EN 1452, DIN 8063, NF T54-028, BS 4346/1, ASTM 2467 coupling to pipes complying with ISO 161/1, UNI EN 1452, DIN 8062, NF T54-016, BS 3506, BS 3505, ASTM f 441. Threaded couplings UNI ISO 228/1, DIN 2999, BS 21 ASTM 2464, ANSI B1.200.2
Flange couplings : DIN2501, ISO 2084, UNI 7442/75, DIN 8063, ASA-ANSI B.16.5 150

1 comment:

  1. Thermoplastic valves in the Philippines are becoming more popular in most water systems. Thanks for your post, I have learned a lot.
